• +91 93218 59986

(Reg. No.: T.N.A./(T.N.A.) R.S.R./(C.R.)/1454/Yr. 2003)


Loans offered by Thana Mahesh Nagari Co-Operative Credit Society Limited.

Loans are offered by suit every individuals requirement based on their earning, securities and repayment capacity.

Thana Mahesh Nagari Co-Operative Credit Society Limited offered various types of loan. Thana Mahesh PATPEDHI brings to you a wide range of loan products to suit every requirement.

Sr Loan Type Rate of Interest Loan Tenure
1 PERSONAL LOAN 14% to 16% Rs.75000/- 36M
2 LOAN AGAINST FD 2% more than FD Interest Rate No Limit Till on Maturity
3 VEHICLE LOAN (NEW) 15% to 16% 75% of the quotationPrice or maximum 32lacs 84M
4 GOLD LOAN 12% to 14% 32 Lacs 12M
5 LOAN AGAINST LIC POLICIES 12% to 14% 85% on total Surrender Value 84M
6 MORTGAGE LOAN 15% to 16% 75% of the valuation of property or maximum 32lacs 84M
7 LOAN AGAINST PERSONAL GUARANTEE OF A DIRECTOR 13% to 14% 2 Lacs Tenure of Director